New Experimental UI!

Hey y'all, just writing this to let you know there's an experimental user interface available now as a GitHub Page!

It's buggy, ugly, and far from complete, but you can play around with it and see your changes in real time, and you can share your changes with the import and export button in the top right. Try importing this by pasting it into the import box and clicking Import:


Here's a plant that code makes! I just changed some simple rules for it.

There's lots of bugs and glitchy weirdness, and more documentation in the app itself, so go check it out and play around with it, and feel free to share your definitely-not-base64'd-json codes for interesting plants and other things you make!

I'll be uploading this release to itch as well, but the github page will more likely be up to date.

Hope you enjoy!

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